Analysis Of Janie In Their Eyes Were Watching God By Zora Neale Hurston

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In the novel, Their eyes were watching God written by Zora Neale Hurston, the character who I believe sacrificed the most would be, Janie. At the age of sixteen, She was forced into marriage, which had caused her to give up her innocence. Throughout the novel, she is viewed as a strong, powerful, and a hopeful woman, who is degraded and belittled by men. In the end, Janie married Tea Cake who showed her the way life should of been and learned what it was like being loved by a man who had not taken her for granted. At the age of sixteen, She unwillingly married Logan Killicks and had a hard time transitioning into the wife that Logan wanted. He expected her to stop what she was doing at any moment and give him aid instead. Janie had a difficulty keeping her mouth shut when unnecessary comments came out of Logan’s mouth. One thing that bothers her the most is that Logan has a tough time expressing his emotions, she wants to be shown love except, Logan acts dispassionate towards Janie. He doesn’t think of Janie as anything but a mule, someone to help with the yard work and cook …show more content…

Jody takes Janie to Eatonville, after fleeting from Georgia. When arriving in Eatonville, they discover a small, sad looking town. Jody seizes the opportunity and takes matter into his own hands which causes him to rebuild the town. After accomplishing the good deed, he is elected as the town's mayor. Janie’s marriage to Jody quickly becomes sour after he begins showing her his possessive side towards her. Numerous times, Janie is forced to stay out of interactions with others because Jody wants everyone to know that she is his. At one point, while working in the store, a man touches Janie’s hair without her knowing, Jody happens to see this incident and enforces Janie to tie her hair when working. Jody is a man who loves the taste of power, and knowing that he is in full control of the

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