
Analysis Of Maryland By James Ryder Randall

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“Maryland, My Maryland” is a nine- stanza poem written by James Ryder Randall in April 1861. Randall is most remembered for writing this poem, and on account of this he is known as “Poet Laureate of the Lost Cause”. This poem was written in response to the April 19, 1861 shooting of Baltimore civilians who had attacked soldiers from the 6th Massachusetts Infantry as they marched to Washington. At the beginning of the American Civil War specifically, during the secession crisis, President Abraham Lincoln commanded federal troops to be brought to Washington D.C. to protect the capital. (Library of Congress Poetry Resources. (n.d.). Retrieved November 17, 2014) Many of these troops were brought through Baltimore City. There was extensive Confederate …show more content…

(Maryland, My Maryland, by Tandy MacKenzie (1917). (n.d.). Retrieved November 18, 2014) It quickly became popular in Maryland and throughout the South. It was also called the ”Marseillaise of South”. During the Maryland campaign in 1862, the Confederate States Army bands played the song as they crossed into Maryland territory. The song's verses alludes to Maryland’s history and geography. It also particularly specifies several historical figures that is imperative to the state. The song was utilized across the South amid the Civil War as a battle hymn. On top of that, the melody was utilized to call Maryland to oppose the Union. It has been called America's "most martial poem”. (Maryland, My Maryland. (n.d.). Retrieved November 17, 2014) Due to its origin in support for the Confederacy it includes lyrics that refer to President Lincoln as a "tyrant," "despot," and "Vandal," and to the Union as "Northern scum," as well as referring to the phrase "sic semper," which was the slogan later shouted by Marylander John Wilkes Booth while assassinating Lincoln. It was not until April 29, 1939, that “Maryland, My Maryland” was adopted as the official state song of Maryland by the state’s general assembly. Consequently intermittent endeavors have been made to supplant it as Maryland's state tune, yet to date all such endeavors have met

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