Antenna Configuration

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The antenna configuration shown in the last chapter are now being represented in their respective output form. In order to represent it we would be displaying the plots like Return Loss, VSWR plot, Impedance plot, Electric field radiation plot and smith plot. The basic objective behind showing these plots is to justify that the designed antenna will radiate efficiently.
6.1 Results: Antenna Configuration 1:
6.1.1.Return Loss Plot: Return loss is a measure of how well devices or lines are matched. A match is good if the return loss is high. A high return loss is desirable and results in a lower insertion loss. Fig. 6.1.1 Return Loss Plot for Antenna Configuration 1
6.1.2 VSWR Plot: VSWR is the voltage ratio …show more content…

It can also be derived from the impedances:
VSWR = (1+ )/(1- )

Fig. 6.1.2 VSWR Plot for Antenna Configuration 1

6.1.3 Smith Plot: The scattering matrix is a mathematical construct that quantifies how RF energy propagates through a multi-port network. The S-matrix is what allows us to accurately describe the properties of incredibly complicated networks as simple "black boxes". For an RF signal incident on one port. The same is being shown here in the manner of Smith Plot. Fig. 6.1.3 Smith Chart Plot for Antenna Configuration 1

6.1.4 3D Rectangular Plot: The plot well describes the representation for all curves having return loss less than -10dB. Fig. 6.1.4 3D Rectangular Plot for Antenna Configuration …show more content…

6.4.1 Return Loss Plot for Antenna Configuration 4

6.4.2 Smith Chart: The incident voltage at each port is denoted by "a", while the voltage leaving a port is denoted by "b". Don't get all hung up on how two voltages can occur at the same node, think of them as traveling in opposite directions!

Fig. 6.4.2 Smith Chart Plot for Antenna Configuration 4

6.4.3 3D Rectangular Plot: The current plot is of the sense that at the observed solution frequency we are getting a consistent growth for return loss. The double dips in the plots are showing that we are getting 2 curves with return loss is below -10dB Fig. 6.4.3 3D Rectangular Plot for Antenna Configuration 4

6.4.4 Impedance Plot:

Fig. 6.4.4 Impedance Plot for Antenna Configuration 4

6.5 Antenna Configuration 5:
6.5.1 Return Loss Plot: The most efficient plot of all the designed configurations in which a return loss of around -40dB is obtained with a significant growth in Bandwidth as

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