
Arguments Of The Constitution: Frederick Douglas And Jefferson Davis

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A constitution is a document with principles upon which the state or organization must be governed by. In Philadelphia, a convention took place known as the Constitutional Convention on May 25. During the convention, the Founding Fathers of the United States created a framework for which the government should follow. On September 17, 1787, this document was signed, now known as the Constitution of the United States of America. After the Constitution was made a national disagreement took place discussing whether the Constitution was proslavery or antislavery. Two speeches were made by men of great knowledge: Frederick Douglass and Jefferson Davis. Frederick Douglass believed the constitution was antislavery while Jefferson Davis did not. However, …show more content…

In the constitution, there is no specific amendment that states, men have the right to the property of people. The second argument is the first fragment of the first sentence of the preamble of the constitution: “We the people.” When “We the people” was put in the constitution, it was interpreted that it was including everyone from slaves to whites to Native Americans. Frederick Douglass’ last argument was the pass of the bill of attainder. A bill of attainder is a law that makes the child inherit the hardships and disabilities imposed upon the parent. A slave is made a slave because its mother is one. Under the constitution, this type of law is illegal. If the people were to follow this law, slave laws would be repealed. Frederick Douglass believed that the constitution is a body of paper with words that cannot be changed. Simply put, people have begun to interpret their own meaning of the constitution when the Founding Fathers have specifically written down how it should be …show more content…

His first thought about the constitution was that the Founding Fathers knew the different interest of northern and southern states regarding slavery. His second claim was that the constitution protected slavery for three reasons. The first reason was because it was their natural right. His second reason was that it was the duty of the general government. The constitution was required to protect owners and all forms of property. During that time, slaves were thought of as property so this law would apply to them as well. His last reason was that the states and the federal government had entered an agreement together. Jefferson Davis also mentioned non-intervention. Non- intervention meant that congress should neither prohibit nor establish slavery in the states. By congress interfering with slavery they are breaking their own law in which they made. Jefferson Davis also offered a solution to the problem at hand. He proposed Territorial Legislature. Territorial Legislature is the understanding that the congress has no power to interfere with the right of a person or its property. For people to accuse those of proslavery of discrimination or any other foul doing would be like robbing them of their rights the constitution has so gladly blessed them

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