Attitude In Social Psychology

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Attitudes are perhaps the most unique and crucial concept in modern social psychology" (Gordon Allport, 1954). Investigation of attitude has, at all times had great importance in social psychology. Brhner (2002) pin pointed that attitudes not only influence one’s behavior, but also determine how one handles information. According to Allport, Gordon (1935) attitude can be formed from a person 's past and present. It is one of the influential elements in foreseeing one’s behavior. To be precise, by knowing a person’s attitude towards something, one could be able to foresee with great accuracy the person’s general outline of behavior towards that thing or object (Ajzen and Fishbein, 1977: as cited in Yushau, 2006). Attitude is the general feeling …show more content…

According to the social scientist Ross Honeywill (as cited in Wikipedia), social intelligence is a combined measure of self and social-awareness, developed social values and thoughts, and an ability to handle difficult social change. The review of related literature on social intelligence discloses that the theory of social intelligence has fascinated many researchers. The original definition by Edward Thorndike in 1920 is "the capacity to understand and handle people and to behave prudently in human relations” (p. 228). According to Moss and Hunt (1927) social intelligence is the "capacity to cope up well with other people". As per Howard Gardner 's Theory of Multiple Intelligence (1983), social intelligence is equivalent to inter personal intelligence and hugely connected to theory of mind. According to Sean Foleno (as cited by Ganaie, M.Y and Hafiz Mudasir, 2015) social intelligence is an individual’s capability to realise his or her surroundings optimally and respond …show more content…

Orhungur (1990) emphasised that the socio-economic status of the family plays a significant role in determining their cultural background. An individual’s perception about the society and his interaction with it is mainly determined by his childhood experiences at home. A child’s personality is moulded chiefly by the family set up and its socializing nature (Abosede M. Ewumi). The kind of motivation the students receive from their diverse environments has a great influence on their attitudes to education and educational practices. Hence it is clear that students’ attitude and performance is dependent on the stimulus the home provides. Educational nurturing is very much connected and influence by the family of an individual. Each and every member of the family acts as a model to the child as he/ she copies from each of them. Eyake (1997) quoted. Learning difficulties in students may perhaps be traced to other factors such as gender, locality, student’s attitudes, their intelligence, culture and their socio economic status. Hence, the students’ socio-economic status includes parents’ educational qualification, parents employment status, parents’ type of residence, size of the family, students’ hobbies and students’ motivation (Alarape, 1994; Abitogun, 2002; Izuagie, 1990: as cited by Henry, E. J. and Olukemi, E. T.,

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