The Influence Of Attitude

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Different people react to different things because of their different experiences; therefore the way an individual reacts to challenges in life could be completely different to someone else. Depending on these attitudes towards challenges in life an individual can become stunted or reap the rewards leading to personal growth. Different attitudes in different situations can lead to myriad impacts on the individual’s growth. As Carol Sansone and Judith M. Harackiewiz’s ‘Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation’ focuses on motivation and goals and there impacts on attitudes, Jerome s. Bruner, Jacqueline J. Goodnow and George A. Austin’s ‘A study of thinking’ provides a detailed investigation into a study of thinking and how attitudes …show more content…

Jerome s. Bruner, Jacqueline J. Goodnow and George A. Austin’s ‘A study of thinking’ clearly conveys through their work that attitudes are often the result of experience or upbringing and can have a powerful influence over behaviour. There are a number of different factors that can influence how and why attitudes form. Either by a direct experience or by observation, attitudes form directly in response to whom and what the individual reacts too. Social roles also relate to how people are expected to behave in a particular role or context. Attitudes can be learned in a variety of ways. The causes of attitudes come from multiple standpoints and differ from person to person. From these attitudes people react to different things, having flow on effects to either positive or negative growth. From different socio economic areas come different beliefs, which are formed due to occupation, wealth and location further showing the differentiation of …show more content…

The same influences that lead to attitude formation can also create attitude change. Carol Sansone and Judith M. Harackiewiz’s ‘Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation’ articulates that attitudes not only change when interacting with others but also takes change in response to things that motivate specific actions. Rita Pierson also emphasises the importance of relationships to promote motivation and positivity. Going on to relay that ‘every child deserves a champion’, further conveying her idea that attitudes towards challenges in life are constantly shifting. Pierson shows that individual’s depend on others to make positive decisions but also emphasises on the need of others for motivation and encouragement. How the individual reacts to challenges in life is dependent on who they interact with as well as by observing the behaviour of others. People can alter their attitudes in two ways. First, they can be motivated to listen and think about the message, thus leading to an attitude shift. Or, they might be influenced by characteristics of the speaker, leading to a temporary or surface shift in attitude. Pierson conveys through her Ted Talk that not only does interacting with others provide guidance, but is also a direct link to personal growth. By providing examples of those who have responded to challenges in life more effectively than they once did because of their interaction with others,

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