Battle Of The Ice Research Paper

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One battle or event can change history forever, and the Battle of the Ice is one that changed history forever. The Battle of the Ice, which took place on April 5th, 1242, was a very historic battle. The battle also had significant effects, that changed the world forever. The fact that a battle that took place over 700 years ago, and still has lasting effects today, is quite something extraordinary.
On April 5, 1242, the Russians defeated the crusaders in the Battle on the Ice. “In the Battle of the Ice, the Teutonic Knights, which was led by Hermann von Buxhoeveden, was a Christian group that attempted to invade Russia and convert the Eastern Orthodox population of the Republic of Novgorod.” The attempted invasion by the Teutonic Knights was …show more content…

Hermann’s next plan was to get Alexander Nevsky killed. Hermann’s plan did not work again though. When Alexander sent the archers into battle, it was “ not expected by the Crusaders, disrupted the Crusader attack”
Alexander Nevsky, also used numbers to his advantage. Nevsky had more soldiers, and with that he was able to do more. He started by “hitting the flanks of the Crusader knights as they engaged the Russian center.” Nevsky used “numbers against superior quality” in his victory which is quite impressive. Even though the Crusaders were “greatly outnumbered” it was still a good victory for the Russians.
As stated earlier, the Battle of the Ice had significant effects after the outcome of the battle. One outcome of the battle is that “it halted the eastward expansion of the Teutonic Order.” This was very big, and had a “political consequence” It, “Russia continued to develop as a nation physically present in Europe but with a separate intellectual life and soul” It also “established the settled frontiers of Roman Catholicism and the Orthodox Church.” Another reason the Battle of the Ice had a significant effect is that it “established a permanent border line of the Narva River and Lake Peipus dividing Eastern Orthodoxy from West Catholicism.” This is significant because it divides two different religions and cultures, which is important because the battle created a border between the

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