
Best Process Essay: The Process Of Buying A House

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The Process of Buying a House
Whitley Alexander
Central High School

Most people want to be the owner of their own house one day, but buying a house is not that simple. There are many processes and steps to buying a house before you can call it your own. The government and taxes play a very important role in this process. Before buying a house, you have to make comparisons about the homes that you think are best for you.
The first step to buying a house is starting your research early. As soon as you can, start reading newspapers, magazines, and search on websites that have real estate listings. The next best idea is to take notes of specific homes you find interesting, and keep track of how long they stay on the market. …show more content…

The two places I compared were Phenix City, Alabama and Columbus, Georgia. They both have incredible homes but its best to know which place has better housing prices and good places to live. When it comes to choosing homes, you will need to compare the two places to see which one is better. More homes are available in Alabama because they are starting build new homes. Although the viability is offered, this could mean there homes are more expensive then Columbus homes. It is much cheaper to buy a home then to rent a home. The best place for a person to live is in Phenix City rather than Columbus because of the expenses. Columbus home have more homes for rent than they do for sale. When going through these processes it is best to make a long-term decision. The long process of buying a house will affect me in many ways concerning my future. When I get older, I will have to apply these smart facts in order to get the right house for me. I will have to know how the government works with setting loans and property taxes. In addition, I will need to know all the steps and processes before getting the house I want. It is very important that I can get a home I can afford for then and later on in life. I will want to make wise decisions in the future when it comes to buying a home that suites

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