
Bibl 104 Parable

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1. Jesus told his apostles to love their enemies and treat others well even if they don’t do the same; he told them to do what they would want done to them. If they expect nothing in return, they will be rewarded and be seen good in the eyes of God. Jesus was teaching compassion and selflessness. This parable is the origin of the saying “Treat others how you want to be treated.” 6:27-36
2. Jesus told them that the blind cannot lead the blind because they will both fall into a ditch and that one must remove the plank in their eye before they attempt to remove the speck in another’s eye. He also stated that the disciple is not above his or her master, but rather everyone that leads a moral life is his or her master. (Luke 6:39-42) Jesus told this parable in order to explain to them that we can’t teach others when we, ourselves, have not been properly taught. If we are blinded by our own sins, then we are in no position to teach others.
3. Jesus preached that a good tree does not produce bad fruit, and a bad tree does not produce good fruit because …show more content…

When Jesus was having dinner with Simon, a Pharisee, he told him that a moneylender had to be paid back by two people. One person owed five hundred denarii and the other owed fifty denarii, but they were both unable to repay the moneylender. The moneylender forgave both of them, and Jesus then asked Simon which debtor would love the moneylender more for his graciousness. Simon answered, "I suppose the one whom he forgave more." Jesus told him his answer was correct. (Luke 7:41-43) Jesus told Simon this parable in order to make him understand that sinners can be forgiven if they understand what they have done and states all of the things the woman has done for him such as wetting his feet with her tears and then wiping them with her hair. Simon, who was supposedly righteous, did not give Jesus any of the courtesies that the sinner did, so Jesus forgave the sinner. Jesus was teaching Simon that God forgives those who

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