
Censorship In Fahrenheit 451

1972 Words8 Pages

A government is set into place by the people to govern society. Complete rule over others is not accomplished through the appearance of order. The more the government tries to unfairly govern its people with the use of violence and force, the more rebellion by the people will occur. In the novel Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, the government tried to rule over its people by the use of censorship and by the complete eradication of knowledge along with individuality. In the autobiography I Am Malala by Malala Yousafzai, the Taliban used violence and fear to govern the people of Pakistan. The Taliban implemented a ban on young women receiving an education, one of their many cruel treatments to their women. These two governments are in fear of …show more content…

Captain Beatty tries to explain to Montag that books are a danger to society and the reasoning behind why they are outlawed. His reasoning is that knowledge causes too many problems amongst different types of people. Whether it is political, religious, different views on things, they cause conflict and offend people. The fire alarm sounds in mid conversation, and the fire fighters are off to their next job. To Montag’s surprise, the firemen and himself pull up to his own house where he sees Mildred get in a cab and leave him, Montag was betrayed by his own wife! Captain Beatty then orders Montag to burn down his own house. Montag then proceeds to take his flamethrower and aim it captain Beatty, burning the captain to …show more content…

People would get publically decapitated, executed execution style with ak-47 shots right to the head in point blank range. Schools that were teaching young girls were being demolished to rubble, it was complete chaos in the country of Pakistan. Despite the dangers the Taliban presented Malala and her father continued to be the voice of the silenced women in Pakistan. They were gaining international recognition and a ton of news media exposure, bringing the issues of Pakistan and the rights of women to the spotlight. This made the Taliban

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