Why Are Chemicals Everywhere

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The chemicals are everywhere Chemicals have always been a part of our life. The chemicals are in things that the people have to have to live a normal life. We do not always think about it, but many of the chemicals are actually very dangerous. Examinations has shown, that the chemicals used in everyday products can have an effect in our health. Some of the chemicals actually makes the risk of getting a dangerous disorder very high. This is a serious problem, because most humans are in contact with chemicals everyday. The chemicals are almost everywhere. In the shampoo, plastic toys, water bottles and so on. Even smells can have serious amounts of chemicals in it. Gordon Gribble who is a chemistry professor says: “Most people don’t know they are routinely exposes to a host of compounds in non-toxic concentrations in what they eat and drink each day” He also says, that the chemicals also are in the air most people breathe, but it’s not dangerous because it is not inhaled in large amounts. The chemicals is everywhere We are all in contact with chemicals. Everyday. Maybe we don’t think about it, but the chemicals are almost …show more content…

Is we go 100 years back in time the amount of chemicals was not as big as today. Because the society is evolving people gets more and more modern. And that means the things have to be in a definite way. That makes the use of chemicals necessary. The chemicals are in many things so it will be hard to remove it all. And many people don’t even think that is is possible because of the evolution. People are used to the things with lots amount of chemicals in it and it would be difficult to remove it. The sad thing is, that the people don’t care about their health but only on the smart things they have in their everyday life. But can we do anything about it? Is there a way to replace the dangerous chemicals with some less dangerous

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