
Compare And Contrast Martin Luther King Jr And Malcolm X

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“Nonviolence is a powerful and just weapon. It is a weapon unique in history, which cuts without wounding and ennobles the man who wields it. It is a sword that heals” - Martin Luther King Jr. Martin Luther King Jr. was more peaceful during the Civil Rights Time Period than Malcolm X for three main reasons: the first reason is Malcolm X was less peaceful was he was apart of a couple violent groups, the second reason is Malcolm X did not agree with peaceful demonstrations, and the third reason is Malcolm X encouraged his followers to rise-up against the whites. The first reason Martin Luther King Jr. was more peaceful than Malcolm X is Malcolm X was apart of a couple violent groups. One of the first groups Malcolm X was a part of was the Nation of Islam. Malcolm X was in prison for around 8 years for robbery. During his time in prison he learned more about the Nation of Islam and when he got out of prison he joined the Nation of Islam. Malcolm X later traveled to Mecca and learned that any race could be muslim and left the Nation of Islam because he believed they were not true muslims. Malcolm X was later assassinated by members of the Nation of Islam. Another group Malcolm X was apart of was the Afro-American Unity. This group was founded by Malcolm X and was not …show more content…

was more peaceful than Malcolm X during Civil Rights is Malcolm X did not agree with peaceful demonstrations. Malcolm X believed that peaceful demonstrations would not achieve equality between black and whites. He believed blacks needed to show action and fight back physically before they could attain equality. Malcolm X was even willing to keep black and whites separate because it could encourage people to want to change and achieve equality. Martin Luther King Jr. had a different views on achieving equality. Martin Luther King Jr. believed that through peaceful demonstrations and protests that whites would realize that blacks are the same as

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