
Compare And Contrast Santa Anna And Sam Houston

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General Santa Anna, the Napoleon of the west experienced his Waterloo to the revengeful Texas cries of the "Remember the Alamo!” "Remember Goliad!” (McKeehan, n.d.). Santa Anna believed the Texans were demoralized following the Alamo and Goliad and victory would be easily attained. He divided his forces in a three-pronged attack to crush the Texan rebellion: one to capture the Texan Government in Galveston, a second to secure his logistics, and the third in pursuit of Sam Houston which he commanded. The Texan sacrifices at the Alamo and Goliad enabled Sam Houston time to establish a force of 800 inexperienced but motivated volunteers. Sam Houston learned from captured Mexican soldiers Santa Anna’s plans and maneuvered his forces based on this …show more content…

Santa Anna maneuvered his forces under the high ground overlooking a marsh, about three-fourths of a mile from the Texas camp. When reinforcements crossed Vince’s bridge the Mexican force had grown to 1,400 soldiers compared to 800 Texans (Williams, 2014). Santa Anna believed he had the Texans trapped and postponed his attack until April 22. Following a minor cavalry exchange, on April 20, Sam Houston decided to seize the initiative and attack first on April 21. He sent a small force to burn Vince’s Bridge as this prevented further Mexican reinforcements from crossing as well as retreat from both sides. He utilized the slight ridge that ran across the field and positioned his men for a surprise attack (Hickman, …show more content…

Santa Anna fled during the Battle of San Jacinto but a Texan search party captured him the following day. Mexican prisoners easily identified him with shouts of “El Presidente” (Wright, n.d.). Santa Anna feared reprisal from his captors and agreed to sign the Treaties of Velasco (The Texas Revolution, n.d.). He ordered his remaining generals and forces to leave Texas soil and agreed to recognize Texas’s independence from Mexico in exchange for his freedom. Santa Anna eventually made his way back to Mexico and resumed his presidency. He attempted to retake Texas, but every effort failed (Wright, n.d.). Texas was gone and later followed by California, New Mexico, and Arizona. The American southwest was born and Texas became the 28th state on December 29, 1845 (The Texas Revolution,

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