
Comparing Emerson And Thoreau's 'Self-Reliance'

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The early 1840s till the early 1950, a person 's desire to follows laws varied. Some people didn 't question any law and just followed them to avoid any trouble. But a few people objected. Two very influential writers, Ralph Emerson and Henry Thoreau, put together their opinions to form essays. Emerson’s work as published around 1841; Thoreau’s work was published around 1849. Ralph Emerson’s theme is that when people take times to reflect on themselves, then they find out their purpose in life. In his short essay “Self-Reliance”, he voices his opinions on how individuals need to pursue their dreams even if it means breaking the law. Henry Thoreau’s theme is that when people stand for what they want peacefully, then forced reflection happens. In his short essay “Civil Disobedience”, he says that its is the right of the people not to support the government if they are not doing their job, which is to serve and protect the majority of …show more content…

Emerson and Thoreau are two very different people; however, they have very similar ideas and thoughts. They both want you to take the time and reflects your own thoughts. In addition to that, they want you to question your own thoughts. There are people who will always tell you what you should do, There were people who told Emerson and Thoreau what to do. They denied everything everyone said. By doing that, they have accomplished major changes in our government. Their writing is important to everyone of any age or generation because it teaches you what one person with a dream and goal can do to the world. No matter what others say about you, they don 't know you like you know yourself. Emerson and Thoreau really believed in their ideas. If they were alive today, they would very much stress the importance that even if your voice doesn 't matter, voice and see what happens. Emerson ends off this essay with a strong quote that leaves you to think even after the essay is read and analyzed. He writes “To be great, is

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