
Rhetorical Analysis Essay On Where I Lived And What I Live For

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Henry David Thoreau was a philosopher, poet, and a very outspoken person about society. He discusses his opinions on how people should live in his essay “Where I Lived and What I Lived For.” Thoreau's philosophy of simplicity and individualism and self-sufficiency poses many dangers for communities as a whole. Although there are many setbacks, his philosophy is, however, still viable today. Thoreau strongly advocates self-sufficiency and individualism in this essay. He urges people to live simply and warns against the difference between “essentials” and just extra “stuff.” As he says, “Our life is frittered away by detail.” We focus so much on the future and all the silly distractions going on around us, that we lose sight of what is really important. He believed we don’t need as much technology, for example. Also, we could live off of one meal a day instead of three or four. Thoreau had the ability to isolate himself whenever he wished. He urges us to do the same. Thoreau’s philosophy may seem great, but it poses many threats in jeopardizing communities. For example, it could negatively impact economies. If people don’t go out, and they stay home as Thoreau proposes, businesses will suffer. Jobs will be taken away because there won’t be enough people to carry them out. Individuals who …show more content…

A lot of loneliness would be coursing through the communities; there would be no sense of unity between people. Less and less people would travel. Less people would experience other cultures. There would be a limited sharing of knowledge and ideas, and everyone would be left to their own devices. Thoreau says, “...I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life…” This is a great ideology, but sometimes only the essentials aren’t what make life worthwhile; traveling, socializing with people of similar or different interests, laughing, and crying

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