Coriolanus Play Analysis

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To commemorate the death of William Shakespeare, the Kuala Lumpur Performing Arts Centre (KLPAC) has staged Coriolanus, directed by Kelvin Wong and Andrew Peters. Coriolanus is less performed compared to other plays by Shakespeare such as Macbeth, Romeo and Juliet or A Midsummer’s Night’s Dream. This play is different from his other plays as it is more of a political play, probably less played due to the political and public issues which are too sensitive. This epic Roman play was staged in Kuala Lumpur in a small-scale theatre with only about fifty seats but it was indeed a memorable play. Coriolanus is a tragedy which follows the story of Roman war leader, Caius Marcius. Caius is given the name Coriolanus after defeating the Volscian. As Coriolanus becomes more active in politics, seen as a hero and loved by the people of Rome, he is given consulship. Meanwhile, the Royal Tribunes condemn Coriolanus for being a traitor and convince the …show more content…

The guy who played Menenius (Douglas Wong) should be replaced. Although Coriolanus marks Wong’s debut in a Shakespeare play, his English was a bit too off for something so prestigious. It may be forgivable for some but his pronunciation may be confusing and it really brings down the rating of the production. Wong also lacks confidence and there were times where a shadow of doubt could be seen on his face when he was saying those lines. Menenius who is supposed to bring humor to the play becomes a character the audiences wish to see less due to his inability to say his lines well. Next, the lack of sound effects throughout the play also bore the audiences. The occasional sound effects, only during the battle scenes, were a bit too plain. There were also lack of music during the non-fighting scenes and although the characters spoke their lines with power, the play gets a bit boring. Since the dialogues were long, a bit of sound effects and music would be

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