Critical Path Method

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Project management methods were introduced in between 1958s and 1979s. Those are “Critical Path Method” and “Project Evaluation and Review Technique”. According to Fuller, M. A., Valacich, J. S., & George, J. F. (2008), Critical Path Method or CPM is a planning model that refers to the activities that had been arranged so that the project management can know the direct effect to the completion of the project if there is a change. It is a network that shows the activities as nodes and has a start and end point also it is related to each other. Besides that, Project Evaluation and Review Techniques or PERT is a technique that involves optimistic, pessimistic and even realistic time to figure the expected time for particular activities. It is …show more content…

This is because all of the activities will be sequenced to know which one is the critical path and critical task so that the project can be completed within the time given. Critical path (CP) is the longest path but it has the shortest time to complete the project and the critical task (CT) is the activity that is located in the CP. The function of CP is to know when the project can be complete, how much duration will be taken and which is a task that depends on another task. This critical path is important path because it is cannot be delayed and if there is a delay it means that the entire also will be delayed. This problem will lead to the change of the completion date which means that the project will be finished late from the given time. In CPM, there are two concepts used which is “free float or free slack” and “total float or total slack” to determine the end time of the project whether it’s late or finish early. The concept of free float is the time that can be delayed without interrupt the following task directly and it does always can be found in the non-critical path because in the critical if the duration of the activities is increased it will directly impact the schedule’s project. The total float refers to the time of an activity that can be delayed without disturbing the completion date. To make it clearer, the CP doesn’t have a slack time which means that it is zero slack time which means that it cannot even be delayed because it will cause a problem to the completion of the

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