Essay On Equal Rights

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Have you thought of what it would be like if you were constantly discriminated against? Up until and around the late 1960’s many people such as hispanics, blacks, and even women were not being treated fairly. People starting to stand up and address these situations, but it took a lot of courage and strength to fight against the normal. Equal rights is treating everyone no matter their race, gender, or religion with the same amount of respect as the next. Over time people began to take initiative and realize that equal rights should be and remain a given standard all around the world. Eventually the dream of equal rights did come true, and in this day and age equal rights is the “new normal” after a long hard battle. Before many started to care and act on the harsh treatment of some, many groups of people were put on the bottom of every latter. The blacks, hispanics, and women were not considered as great as the white males. The blacks were kept out of many schools, pushed off of public busses, banned from voting, and stopped from doing many normal activities that the whites could do. Same goes for the hispanics, they were not payed fairly after many hard hours of working, and the women who were put on societies train …show more content…

Many years of plenty of people getting discriminated against led to strong revolts. There were two very opposite opinions when it came to the question if everybody should be treated equally, these opposing views created tension throughout the world. Once a few people stood up to voice their opinion, the thought that equality should be spread throughout the world was accepted. America then realized that they should not discriminate against people just do to their physical appearance, race, gender, or color of skin. This caused the dream of equality to come true, and to be part of the new normal in America and eventually throughout the

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