
Difference Between Wiccan And Paganism

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What do the words Pagan and Wiccan mean? And what is the difference between them? These are questions we have all asked ourselves and been asked when starting our spiritual journey, or when we first started to be interested in magic.
The purpose of Wicca is to honor the Lord and Lady, observe turns of the Wheel of the Year, and to pay attention to one’s spirituality. The Wiccan Rede states “An ye harm non, do what ye will.” Wicca is intimately tied to one’s relationship with the divine, by whatever faces they chose to show us. The Whole ideas of Wicca is being close to nature, to worship Gods and Goddesses through nature. Wicca celebrates through Sabbaths (The 8 Wiccan festivals that revolve around the sun and moon) Samhain (Wicca holiday …show more content…

Paganism is a group of religions, while Wiccan is just one. Wiccans and Pagans are not terms to describe sexual outsiders, devil worship or the practice of harming people or animals. Wiccans and Pagans practice earth based worship. Most Wiccans practice witchcraft, however not all pagans practice witchcraft. Paganism does not have a founder, Wicca does.
In Paganism, you do not have to practice witchcraft. In Wicca, witchcraft is usually practiced. A person who considers themselves a Pagan, usually is Polytheistic. Polytheistic means one believes in more than one deity, whether that is a god or goddess. In Wicca, some believe in just a God, some believe in just a Goddess, and some believe in both. There are even some who believe in a number of gods and goddesses.
Both Wicca and Pagans use many objects in their practices or studies. Both Wiccans and pagans will use what is called Magikal tools. These are known to include, incense, candles, athames; usually known as a black handled knife, the broom; used to ‘sweep’ away negative energies, the cup or chalice, used to hold things such as blessed water, wine and other fluids, the cauldron; used as an instrument in which to cook and for brew making, also used for scrying and most importantly the

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