Spirituality Essays

  • Postmodernism And Spirituality

    944 Words  | 4 Pages

    Spirit Spirituality is a broad concept which contains a sense of connection to something universal, to something bigger than ourselves. A spiritual experience is often described as transcendent and even sacred, and can be connected to an ultimate or immaterial reality. Spirituality allows a person to discover the essence of his or her being and the deepest values with which a person takes a place in the society. Philosophy relates spirituality more to a personal search finding a greater meaning and

  • Mauna In Spirituality

    2289 Words  | 10 Pages

    Relevance of Mauna in various Spiritual Sects Almost all spiritual traditions emphasize, explicitly or implicitly, the importance of practicing mauna. Mauna or silence in spirituality is often a metaphor for inner stillness. Many religious traditions imply the importance of being quiet and still in mind and spirit for transformative and integral spiritual growth to occur. In Christianity, there is the silence of contemplative prayer. The Sufi mystics insist on the importance of finding silence within

  • Spirituality In Healthcare Essay

    1626 Words  | 7 Pages

    Spirituality in Healthcare The Age of Enlightenment shook the foundation of a world reliant on religion and its authority over the populace, who found security in being directed how to think and what to believe. During the period of enlightenment, science and technology quickly gained popularity, convincing the believers of their mind’s capabilities, teaching them to think for themselves, and essentially supplanting the church as the central authority. Where once spirituality performed a substantial

  • Spirituality In Health Care

    622 Words  | 3 Pages

    Spirituality can be a very important factor in many people’s life. According to the Physical Examination and Health Assessment book, “Spirituality is borne out of each person's unique life experience and his or her personal effort to find purpose and meaning in life” (Jarvis, 2016, p 15). Spirituality differs in everyone because most the time people have a different definition on what exactly spirituality is. It can be found anywhere at any time especially in the hospital scene when patients depend

  • Essay On Religion And Spirituality

    854 Words  | 4 Pages

    Religion and Spirituality Since the dawn of human life, people have eternally been searching for the purpose of existence. Humans are innately curious beings, and are blessed to have the capabilities of higher thought processes. Humans use these thought processes to ponder the question of existence. Unfortunately, the evolution of man has not brought the human race any closer to actualizing its purpose on earth. In fact, this issue is such that the more one feels he or she understands it, the more

  • Aboriginal Spirituality In Art

    1155 Words  | 5 Pages

    Spirituality in Art is a world known topic that many people discuss. Whether it be in a class room, in church, in your work place or even talked about over a coffee, it is shared globally. Art is considered as a result of inspiration, and people believe that inspiration has a spiritual nature. If we could define art in short, many would say that it is the communication of the human with the sense of existence, the passage way to the Gods and/or the discovering of deep secrets. A huge variety of artworks

  • Spirituality In Native American Culture

    268 Words  | 2 Pages

    Spirituality has a large influence in traditional Native American culture. Every aspect of the culture is basically built around spirituality in some shape or form. To Native Americans spirituality is a way of life and not just a part of your life you practice, like Catholicism. Their spirituality can be viewed in their clothing, artwork, dances, celebrations, and works of everyday life. The spirituality of Native Americans is constantly practiced through ceremonies and celebrations which vary

  • Mark Mcminn's Psychology, Theology, And Spirituality

    282 Words  | 2 Pages

    Summary In the book, Psychology, Theology, and Spirituality, Mark McMinn commences by providing the groundwork for the Christian worldview about counseling. He indicates that the book is crucial for individuals interested in looking into the aspect of intra-disciplinary integration (McMinn, 1996). In his exploration of the intra-disciplinary integration frontier, McMinn (1996) focuses on the challenges that Christian counselors face in their practice. As McMinn (1996) discusses the aspect of integration

  • Aboriginal Spirituality Vs. Hinduism In Avatar

    534 Words  | 3 Pages

    Avatar connects to both Aboriginal Spirituality and Hinduism. Avatar touches on many aspects of each religion's beliefs through their planet Pandora, the spirits and supreme god, and the Na'vis themselves. Furthermore, Aboriginal Spirituality and Hinduism are both widely seen throughout Avatar, which helps to better understand the different religions. First, Aboriginal Spirituality is seen in Avatar. In Aboriginal Spirituality, they believe in Animism, meaning that all animate and inanimate objects

  • Aboriginal Spirituality Compared To Christianity Essay

    1532 Words  | 7 Pages

    Aboriginal Spirituality Compared to Christianity By Finn Kennedy For the practicality of this assignment, when speaking with relevance to the ‘Other’ it will be referred to as God. In present-day Australian society there lay various cultures and perspectives in separate religious groups that each possess multiple distinct beliefs. These beliefs contrast significantly as they can be seen to range from Christianity to Aboriginal spirituality, and with the oldest living culture co-occurs Kanyini

  • Biological, Psychological And Social Components Of Spirituality

    932 Words  | 4 Pages

    1.3.1 Spirituality can be viewed as the personal quality of being concerned with human spirit, a set of beliefs that sustain the individual through times of difficulty, the search for meaning and hope, one’s conception of the purpose of life, or the nature of one’s relationship with oneself, others, nature or God (as defined by individual) (Jolley.,and Moreland,.2011). It is the unifying life force that integrates the biological, psychological, and social components. It may include or exclude

  • Psychology Theology And Spirituality In Christian Counseling Summary

    1139 Words  | 5 Pages

    4Mat Review: Psychology, Theology, and Spirituality in Christian Counseling Randy Bohon Liberty University Summary In the majority of McMinn’s (2011) book, Psychology, Theology, and Spirituality in Christian Counseling, he writes about the importance of Scripture, prayer, confession, sin, forgiveness, and redemption in the life of a Christian, and how these areas are important foundational elements in Christian counseling. McMinn’s (2011) book provides a very good resource for Christian counselors

  • Spirituality And Spirituality In Nursing

    709 Words  | 3 Pages

    nurses that she was special because of her “spirituality and faith”. The new nurse later found out that whenever Lorenzo was assigned to work she would stop by the hospital chapel downstairs to pray and meditate, asking God for strength and wisdom to be the best nurse to her patients and

  • Spirituality And Religion

    783 Words  | 4 Pages

    Religion and spirituality have had an extensive impact on individuals and society. Over time, society has evolved dramatically to adapt to the persistent changes that surround it and those who inhabit it, one thing that has remained constant throughout these changes is religion. This factor brings up the question of ‘will religion ever disappear’, with atheism on the rise, does that mean that spirituality will rapidly become a thing of the past? The contributions that religion has had on both individuals

  • Workplace Spirituality

    741 Words  | 3 Pages

    Introduction Workplace spirituality and employee engagement have been topics of interest for both academicians and practitioners for quite some time. This increased attention has been a result of many factors such as emerging ethical concerns, enlightened leadership theories, emphasis on the higher order needs of the employee, employees’ quest for meaningful work, an attitudinal shift toward wholeness and empowerment etc. Workplace spirituality though initially seen as a passing fad continues to

  • Spirituality In Workplace

    1329 Words  | 6 Pages

    Workplace Spirituality Introduction & Background: In twenty-first century there was began a movement purpose of which was to focus on employee spirituality in workplace (Shellenbarger). It appeared as a movement seeking peoples who want to live their lives within faith and spiritual values in the workplace. Workplace spirituality is different from spirituality itself and limited to the workplace of an organization. “Workplace spirituality is considered highly personal and philosophical construct

  • Spirituality In The Workplace

    820 Words  | 4 Pages

    Introduction Workplace spirituality emerged as a grassroots movement after the 9/11 attack, the market crash, the downfall of Enron, and the lack of integrity in the organizations (Judi Neal). However, today the need for workplace spirituality is backed by multitude of causes. The spiritual archetype identifies that people work not only with their brain and limbs, but also their heart and spirit (Ashmos & Duchon, 2000). This manifestation of spiritual thought in organization is called as “spiritual

  • Spirituality In Nursing

    1134 Words  | 5 Pages

    importantly, the meaning of spirituality lays the seeds for our destiny and the path we must follow.” (Wilner, J. 2014). Spirituality is often seen with stories of self-actualization; on how it was an important aspect in moving forward that helped with being mature. This concept analysis aims to understand the role of spirituality in developing a sense of self. Spirituality can be defined differently by people but one thing that is common is how developing spirituality can help in dealing with challenges

  • Annotated Bibliography

    581 Words  | 3 Pages

    Type of Article Dobmeier R. A. & Reiner S. M. (2012). Spirituality in the counselor education curriculum: A national survey of student perceptions. Counseling and Values, Apr 2012 57 (1) 47. Type of Research This study is looking at if students are competence and prepared to integrate spirituality into their counseling profession. Dobmeer and Reiner used counseling programs that are regualed by the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP), along with nine

  • Spiritual Wellbeing Paper

    661 Words  | 3 Pages

    their happiness, spirituality, religiousness and temperament (Journal of Happiness, 2010). Parents were also asked to rate their child’s happiness and temperament. After conducting their research they were able to conclude happiness a child’s temperament was also a predictor of happiness. In particular, happier children were more sociable and less shy (Journal of Happiness, 2010). However, they found that even with temperament taken into account, the relationship between spirituality and happiness remained