
Discipline Depicted In Ray Bradbury's The Veldt By

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Parents show discipline and love to their children to help them grow as people. Ray Bradbury, the author of “The Veldt” shows this in his writing. Wendy and Peter are shown little love and discipline by their parents, which has serious consequences later in the story. Through symbolism, irony, and setting the author shows that discipline is vital to the growth of children. Bradbury’s symbolism of the powerful lions show the fight for power between the parents and kids. With the parents lack of power comes a lack of respect the children have for their parents. As George and Lydia are looking at the lions the authors says "the lions stood looking at George and Lydia Hadley with terrible yellow-green eyes" (Bradbury 3). Ray Bradbury makes note of the lion's eyes to show the power that they can carry and the struggle for power throughout the story. The lack of discipline that the parent’s show their kids cause them to lose their power and authority that parents possess. Since this power isn’t shown by George and Lydia their kids feel as if they have more power than their parents which leads to the downfall of the parents in the end. Wendy and Peter lost the respect for their parents because they didn’t discipline them. There are many more examples of …show more content…

This futuristic Happylife home is supposed to make more time for family unfortunately for the Hadley family it doesn’t. The home causes them to grow distant and lose their family connection. The nursery has taken over the kids’ lives: “When I punished him a month ago by locking the nursery for even a few hours- the tantrum he threw! And Wendy too. They live for the nursery” (Bradbury 3). This quote shows how much the kids love the nursery and how they don’t spend that time with their parents. The kids have lost the respect and love for their parents instead they would rather be in the nursery. This shows that respect is vital to the growth of

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