Speech On Discrimination Against Women

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Discrimination against women: A path towards society
Despite the fact that we live in a so-called “modern era” some of our social conducts could be considered quite traditional. The undeniable negative predisposition or discrimination against women is one of the most painful examples of this fact. Even though some people might maintain that this is no longer an issue in advanced and liberal societies like ours, or that it is only a concern that should rise in societies of traditional customs, the sad reality is that this is a problem that afflicts every single culture in the world. This flawed thinking is due to the wide belief that violence against women is either a purely physical matter or a restriction of some development opportunities. …show more content…

Therefore, it is important that we educate ourselves in the current manifestations of these crimes in which we have: Differences inside the family, discrimination by society, discrimination inside the professional field, and the psychological impact of abuse in …show more content…

With this we can understand that it is inside the family, the cradle of society, where stereotypes begin to emerge. Home is where we learn what behavior is appropriate for each of us according to our gender and what are the things that we "can´t" do as male or female. This is where the roles that label women as inferior begin to form. It is common within the family that women are socialized to be submissive or forbid certain activities that are deemed inappropriate for them, and they are even, in one way or another, compared and classified as inferior to

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