
Earl Warren Accomplishments

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One of the most influential judges of his time, Earl Warren was born on March 11th, 1891 to a Norwegian immigrant. Earl Warren was born in Los Angeles, California. He grew up in Bakersfield and attended the School of Jurisprudence of the University of California at Berkeley for his education. During these years, Warren worked as a law clerk, where he assisted local judges in writing legal determinations and opinions. The occupation granted him experience in the field of law as well as financial stability. Warren briefly set aside his career to serve in the military during World War I in 1917. Two years later, Warren returned from the war and was promoted from the law clerk of a local office to that of the Judiciary Committee, an organization …show more content…

As governor, he made major reforms to the judiciary system, the education system, and the criminal justice system. His final term ended in 1953 ended when he was appointed as the 13th Chief Justice of the Supreme Court by President Eisenhower. The president believed that Warren would be a justice who knew how to take “a middle path.” He also chose Warren for his reputation, integrity, and honesty. However, Eisenhower later regretted his decision when he found his selected Chief Justice to be one of the most liberal of all time, upsetting the balance of conservative and liberal judges in the Supreme Court. While unfortunate for Eisenhower, Warren’s liberal positions proved fortunate for African Americans and minority groups, whose rights were being neglected by previous Chief …show more content…

Arizona that criminals must be informed of their rights before being prosecuted. Today, this ruling requires that police inform criminals of their right to remain silent, and that anything they say can be used against them in court. These rights, also known as Miranda rights include the criminal’s right to an attorney. If the police do not read a person’s Miranda rights when arresting a criminal, the court judging the case can discard any evidence that the criminal reveals while in police custody since he or she was not informed of their right to remain silent. While the Miranda decision was unpopular at the time, it was critical to ensuring that criminals were being persecuted for the appropriate crime on clear evidence and received the right to a fast and proper

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