Warren Court Influence On American Society During The 1950's

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During the early 1950s throughout the late 1960s the Warren Court era extensively influenced the perspective of American society and its constitutional laws. During this period the Warren Court also sought out to revolutionize perspectives on discrimination based on race and economic class, limitations of citizens within the United States, and expansion of rights due to criminal injustice. The approach of the Warren Court on these subjects stated above benefited the american society due to the outcomes of the Warren Court rulings in this era. Warren Court had an immense impact on US society for instance Brown V. Board of Education which the concluding ruling ended segregation in schools between minority groups and caucasians. This ruling had a tremendous affect on society as the minority groups in the United States felt as if they were on the brink of equality and closer to desegregation. Brown potentially led the way for the for Civil rights act in 1964 in result expanded civil rights for minorities.[document 3] The outcome led African americans to overcome adversity and hold management position in the united states in major corporations such as Citibank, Xerox, Time Warner Cable , and Merrill Lynch. African americans were also able to …show more content…

[document 9] This statement conveys the benefits and effects that the court's ruling has on our society. The court also sought of to expand the rights of criminal defendants without reversing the rules completely only trimming it in some cases . In similarity, document 8 states although this might seem as a negative effect but it is better for the defendant to have a fair trial which is a right given to citizens of america in the constitution. The rights that defendants once did not get guaranteed before the Warren Court

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