Effects Of The Wounded Knee Massacre

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Manifest destiny was the belief in which America was destined to expand through the entire continent. Tragically, hidden behind this God-driven and rightful duty, America tried to justify their violent and cruel actions towards Native Americans. Under religious purposes and political principles, the United States erroneously justified the brutal treatment done to the first inhabitants of America. Immorally Americans felt superior and filled with pride they became blinded to the pain of their neighbors. The government unlawfully took their lands and forced them to leave what belonged to them. Contradictory, Thomas Jefferson wanted good relations with Native Americans, however, this sympathetic and humanitarian position disappeared by the acquisition of land that caused unconformity between natives and the upcoming settlers. Due to the uncontrollable hostility that arose Jefferson dictated their removal which Historians described it …show more content…

An example of cruel acts caused by the manifest destiny was the Wounded Knee Massacre as described by different individuals. Lakota Black sadly explained the infertile land and the precarious conditions in the reservations in which "nothing would grow that the people had planted, and the Wasichus [first European and greedy people] had been sending fewer cattle and other food than ever before. The Wasichus had slaughtered all the bison and shut us up in pens. It looked as if we might all starve to death" ("The Wounded Knee Massacre" 10). Not only Americans were refusing to help them they were killing their main source of food. Additionally, afterward without a clear motive Wasichus killed many Native Americans in the tragic day of the Wounded Knee

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