Essay On Beauty Of Hair

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While men have the privilege of cutting their hair short or even shaving it off without looking very weird, women must double their efforts in order to maintain the beauty of their tresses.
The hair is every woman’s crown of glory. It is a protein fiber that develops from the follicles originated from the dermis or the skin. Each human body is coated with follicles which make fine vellus hair and thick terminal hair. The hair is composed of keratin, a fibrous structural protein which is also responsible for protecting the skin. Hair growth usually went through under three phases; the anagen phase, catagen phase and telogen phase.
Hairs are present in almost all parts of the human body, from the head to the genital. The layers of hair strand are composed of three sheets. The cuticle can be found at the outer part of the strand. After that …show more content…

Once it was cut, they burry it on the ground.
• A woman must never live the house during the night with her hair loose, a belief from the Celts.
• For the Sioux people, some women must only cut their hair in times of grieving.
• In Scotland, while their husbands were on sail, wives must tie their hair in braids during the night to avoid a bad weather.
• A woman’s personality can be defined by her hair.
Long hair exhibits women fertility in Victorian Britain
• People of Lancashire suggest that in order for a person to know his or her life span, he or she must burn his or her hair. If the color is bright, then you will have the chance to have a long life.
• Lithuanians specifically associated headache to their fallen hair, which were collected by some birds and were made into a nest.
Based on race, hair types were classified into three:
 Asian hair- develop from round follicle; straight
 Caucasian hair-anything in between
 Afro hair-grow from oval hair follicle; curl or spiral

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