Letter To Thailand Essay

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Dear, Thailand’s government
My name is fazing Chomsomboon, a biologicalist.I am specialized at marine and ocean life. I have been studying about the subject, invasive species, for a very long time now. And I want to inform you and Thailand’s citizen about the current situation in the pacific and all oceans that they are in extreme danger and will cause more damage than any kind of disaster in the world’s history.
From present situation, the world gets hotter every day. When the world gets hotter, that is when animal started to move. Global warming caused by greenhouse effect which is when Co2 is trapped in the earth’s atmosphere. All caused by human such as polluting the earth, not recycling, using too much cars and vehicles. But the effect of global warming is unpredictable. For example, the ice melting which caused the whole sea level to rise up and also the habitat for polar animals decrease. As a consequence hurricanes and typhoons are predicted are more likely to be stronger. But the main effect of this global warming effect is the invasive species.
Native species can be defined as “an alien species whose introduction does or is likely to cause economic or environmental harm or harm to human health.”Invasive species also means that a species of animal/s that does/don’t belong in that area but …show more content…

Not only they will affect the whole food chain but they started dominating other habitats to be their own. When one species ate another species the consequence is unpredictable. The food chain has to collapsed and restate and maybe on species will be chase out of the food chain and not be able to live in that habitat and have to move to another which cause another food chain collapse in other habitats. And the food chain destruction will keep going around the world and not be able to stop. Invasive species will also change the biodiversity or balance of the sea and all ocean lives have to change the way they

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