Essay On Violence Against Children

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CHAPTER - I THE PROBLEM AND ITS CONCEPTUAL FRAME WORK 1.1. INTRODUCTION Violence against children, under any circumstances is not justifiable. All violence against children is preventable. Violence against children is multidimensional and calls for multifaceted, presentable measures. Protection of children from violence is a matter of urgency. Children suffer from adult violence, normally unseen, unheard and unreported for centuries. Now the impact of all forms of violence against children is better reported and it is more noticeable. Children are an important asset for any nation. In the human life span, the childhood period is considered as most significant, since it is the foundation period not only for their future but the future of …show more content…

 14% of all men and 36% of all women in prison were abused. Abused children practise safe sex and putting them at greater risk for Sexually Transmitted Deceases (STDs). They are also 25% more likely to experience teen pregnancy. 1.2.1. Child Abuse in India According to 2001 Census of India, children constitute 42 percent of its total population; i.e., four out of every ten persons. This is an enormous number of children that the country has to take care of. While articulating its vision of progress, development and equity, India has expressed its recognition of the fact that when its children are educated, healthy, happy and have access to opportunities, they are the India’s greatest human resource. According to Census 2011, the following facts were identified:  India has the largest young population in the world where more than one-third of its population are below 18 years.  Only 35% of births are registered, impacting name and nationality.  One out of 16 children die before they attain the age of 1, and one out of 11 die before they are 5 years old.  About 35% of the developing world’s low-birth-weight babies are born in

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