Essay On Dreams And Memory

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This literature review will focus on the physiological correlation between dreams and memory. This topic is in desperate need of further study and clarification. Researchers have given little theoretical attention to the oddity of dream recall and the significance behind the remembrance of certain dreams. The importance of this is to demonstrate the manner by which dreams are remembered. There is currently a large gap of knowledge in this field. Scientists are uncertain as to why we are able to recall certain dreams and how our memory comes into play with this idea. By understanding this correlation, there will be a larger understanding of the brain, consciousness, and psyche. In the review of the literature, the methodology and theories will be discussed. Most of the research suggests that there is some relationship between dreams and memory. The largest proportion of studies and literature support the premise that there is a significant correlation between the two variables, dreams and memory.
Dream recall is an important aspect of each person’s life. The dreams we experience can impact and alter the way one sees their life. This significance is heightened when the fact that dreams are had each night is taken into account (Seashore, 1916). Since dreams are not remembered each night it is thought provoking to study why every dream is not …show more content…

Some long standing assumptions surrounding Freud, psychoanalysis, and dreams have been questioned by Jung. Jung completely rejects Freud’s theory of psychoanalysis and dream interpretation (Tarnow, 2003). It was proposed that dreams are simply an extension of reality, where our perceptions are molded into new thoughts. Jung believed that dreams are the combination of the unconscious and conscious mind, melding into their own reality. Jung called theory his individuation. Jung also theorized that individuation in dreams occurs in the form of

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