Essay On Organic Beauty Products

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What Does Organic Mean For Beauty Products? The word "organic" is one of several buzzwords that are plastered across beauty product packaging. For those of you making a conscious effort to make sure that you know the ingredients that are in the product that you use, having a full understanding of the word organic is important. It is common to see terms like "organic," "natural" and even "chemical-free" in the beauty industry, and for some, those words mean "good for my skin or health." However, that is not necessarily the case. In fact, consumers are finding out that many of their beauty product labels are misleading, and that the potential for using harmful products with an organic or natural label is a reality. But what does the term organic really means in the realm of the beauty industry? What are Organic Beauty Products? In its truest meaning or one that you would hope it means all the time, organic beauty products can be …show more content…

Instead, the National Organic Program (NOP), under the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) regulates and enforces standards governing organic products. The NOP does not define what any organic beauty product is, but provides a standard that ingredients need to be produced under to be certified as organic. It also established labeling standards on the basis of the percentage of organic ingredients found in a product. Still, the FDA has the authority to holds personal-care product-makers accountable for making false and misleading claims. To be considered organic, the product must have the USDA organic seal to prove it, signifying that the manufacturer complied with both USDA regulations supporting the organic claim and FDA regulations required for labeling and meeting safety standards for the beauty

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