Essay On Piano Mistakes

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Common piano mistakes made by beginners Whether you’re learning on your own or you’re learning with a piano teacher, there are some common mistake most beginners do. Here are some of the mistakes normally made and how you can correct them.
Not making time to practice
Piano lessons for adults can be quite challenging, because you may just not find time to practice. Both the young and the old can be victims to this. When you practice often you become better and you progress. This means you must make time for it. It should be part of your daily routine the same way bathing is. That way you can surely make time to practice.
Long sessions
When it comes to mastering the piano, practicing for long sessions may not be the best idea. It is advisable …show more content…

As a piano teacher, I have noticed that oftentimes a student gets comfortable with what they already know. Therefore, they play the same chords and songs over and over again. I, myself, had this trouble when I started learning how to play the piano. Learning more may seem daunting and uncertain but that is how you progress. You should always try to learn something new every time.
Revisit what you have already learnt
This is the opposite extreme of the point above. Sometimes, you are so eager to progress that you do not practice what you already know. It’s crucial as a piano student to find a balance between the practicing old stuff and learning new stuff. You should allocate time once a week to practice what you already know while you practice something new daily. That way you can sustain a repertoire.
Playing with incorrect fingers If you use incorrect fingers to play the piano, you may say, “It gets the job done”. However, when you use the correct fingers for the correct keys, you are developing your muscle memory. This means, you can play the piano without having to look that all the time, thus leading to consistency and stability when you preform. When you use the correct fingers you become a better player and also more confident in your

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