
Essay On Was The Government Justified In Saving The Cherokee

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Was the Government Justified in Removing the Cherokee from their native land? “John Marshall has made his decision, now let him enforce it…” (Jackson). After a suffering loss of the election of 1824, Andrew Jackson made a comeback in the election of 1828 and became the president of the United States. During this time westward expansion was still a very desirable wish. As president Jackson had many plans for the United States. He founded the Democratic Party and supported the country with his individual liberty. That’s the bright side of what he has done, but on the darker side he has passed a law that would remove the Natives from their land. Gold was also found within Cherokee territory and that gave more reason to the greed thirsty Americans to remove the Natives from their land. …show more content…

The first reason I believe the government didn’t have the right to remove the Cherokee was, because of the Treaty at Hopewell. According to the treaty it protects the Cherokee land as stated “If any citizen of the United States, or other person not being an Indian...Indians may punish him or not as the please…” (Hopewell Article 5). This article is basically laying out the fact that Americans shouldn’t be on their territory without consent. In article six it also mentions how if the Cherokee has any complaint about how the United States are treating them they can file a report and send it to Congress. Therefore the Cherokee did send a representative to Congress to file their grievance. They asked Congress to help protect their rights from Georgia and not let their land be taken away from them. As the case went up in the rank of court, the Cherokee also wrote a document that would state reason why they shouldn’t be moved west beyond the

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