
Evolution Of The Supreme Court Between 1953 And 2003

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In the past, certain principles of the Supreme Court in accordance with the Fourth Amendment changed with each Chief Justice. Between the years 1953 and 2005, there had been three of them, each modifying the main focus and making exceptions to searches and seizures by police. Their names were Chief Justice Earl Warren, Warren E. Burger, and William H Rehnquist. With each alternation of each of them came the names referring to the Supreme Court for those time periods. First, the Warren Court, focused on bringing attention to the exclusionary rule in order to protect citizens from being charged with ilegally-obtained evidence. The principles established in the Burger and Rehnquist Courts made exceptions to this rule, and didn't enforce it quite as much. The Burger and Rehnquist Courts' principles reversed aspects of the original principles of the Warren Court, which enforced Induvidual Rights within the Fourth Amendment. …show more content…

In this period, the Fourth Amendment was strongly upheld along with the exclusionary rule. The exclusionary rule is made so that police couldn't use any illegally-obtained evidence to convict a defendant. Chief Justice Earl Warren brought the exclusionary rule from local to state-level in the court case of Mapp v. Ohio. In this case, officers forced their way into a home without a search warrant because they suspected Dollree Mapp of hiding an alleged bomber, where they collected evidence so they could use it against him in court. The exclusionary rule was enforced, making none of the evidence found applicable to be used against Mapp in court. The principles of the Warren Court focused mainly on Induvidual Rights within the Fourth

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