
Examples Of Ambiguity In The Kite Runner

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Humans were created as a mixture of both good and evil, filled with both purity and sin. Thus, humans can identify as morally ambiguous, allowing them to be a mix of the two extremes. This personality type is used in many works of literature and intrigues readers because of its relatability. Khaled Hosseini invents many morally ambiguous characters in his novel, The Kite Runner, allowing readers to connect with characters more deeply. Amir, the main character, can be viewed as morally ambiguous, as shown through the teasing of Hassan, witnessing Hassan’s rape, and his sacrifices for Sohrab in the novel’s conclusion. Many times, Amir is portrayed with good intentions, but he ends up making poor choices instead. Amir often read to Hassan throughout …show more content…

After he learns of Hassan’s death and his orphaned son, he feels the guilt of his past all over again. When Rahim Khan asks him to go and find his son so he can be given a better life, he rejects at first because of the trip’s dangerous nature. But, Amir changes his mind, reflecting “He [Hassan] was gone now, but a little part of him lived on. Waiting. I told him [Rahim Khan] I was going to Kabul. Told him to call the Caldwells in the morning” (227). Amir’s journey to Kabul is an effort to right his previous wrongs and give to Hassan’s son what Hassan never had--a new beginning. After bringing him out of Kabul, Amir and Sohrab face many other challenges, but they stick through it no matter how tough. He asks Sohrab if he would like to move to America, and live with him and his wife, even though that was not his original intention. This proposal is meaningful because once accepted, Sohrab will be able to receive an education and create a life for himself outside of unstable Kabul. Amir helping Hassan’s son is extremely symbolic in nature because both were raped by Assef, but now Amir has the chance to stick around instead of running and help repair the damage done; it is his second chance. His past choices compared to those made in adulthood show the moral ambiguity present in his character but also the growth he experiences throughout the

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