
Examples Of Archetypes In Beowulf

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The epic Beowulf, reflects the values and importance of the Anglo-Saxon period. Beowulf, who is a brave leader, encounters three major challenges; the battle with Grendel, the battle with Grendel’s mother, and the battle with the dragon. He is triumphant in all three battles. The three major ideas, fate, Anglo-Saxon hero, and fame are all displayed in Beowulf. A recurring pattern or model of an action, a character, or an image in life or literature is called an archetype. Three archetypes shown in Beowulf are the battle between good and evil, the hero, and the devil figure. One of the archetypes stressed in Beowulf is the hero. Beowulf portrays heroic traits such as loyalty, honor, bravery, faith and superhuman strength. These traits make him the Anglo-Saxon hero. Beowulf fights in three battles and wins them all. That shows his bravery and strength. After Beowulf defeats Grendel, people of all ages were “retelling Beowulf’s bravery”(Beers II. …show more content…

The definition of good is to be morally right or righteous. Beowulf shows that throughout the entire epic. He battles three evil creatures and defeats them all. Beowulf always prevails even though his enemies continue to gain power. Someone who represents evil will be Grendel. Grendel commits heinous acts against people who have done nothing wrong. Grendel shows how evil he is when he “snatched at the first Geat he came to, ripped him apart, cut his body to bits with powerful jaws” and he even “drank the blood from his veins” (Beers II. 262-265). Beowulf also fights two other evil creatures. He goes into battle against Grendel’s mother. She is also very evil, seeing as she raised Grendel. Evil qualities shown yet again when she picked Beowulf up, “clutched him savagely but could not harm him” (Beers II. 459). Lastly, Beowulf fights the dragon, raids the countryside and ends up battling Beowulf and his

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