
Examples Of Chunking Theory

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The chunking theory has a place in second language acquisition, albeit limited in certain instances that will not assure desirable learning outcomes when applied exclusively. Chunking plays a crucial role in mastering grammar for the second language. The essence of chunks offers an explanation on how human beings are able to cope with cognitive limitations associated with memory, learning rates and attention to meet the demands of the environment. This follows that it is challenging for the second language learner to master complex inflectional pattern sets. These challenges occur because second language learners tend to fail picking up large adequate phrasal chunks. Chunking is also relevant because it explains how learners can improve …show more content…

In essence, chunking is established as one of the mechanisms for human cognition process. It is crucial in explaining the relationship between the external environment and the internal cognitive processes (Reed, 2010). Empirical evidence in support of the relevance of chunking theory exists, especially in relation to the way that humans perceive words, paragraphs and words as single units, overshadowing their representation as comprising of collections of phonemes or letters. For example, the chunking theory explains how skilled readers have a tendency to be insensitive to deleted or repeated words. Studies that use information concerning timing of responses to ascertain the presence of chunks exemplifies evidence on the relevance of the chunking theory are particularly useful in understanding effectiveness. The approach of using response time assume that the output of elements existing in a chunk would be relatively fast, compared to output of elements existing across varied chunks. This follows that elements existing within a chunk are closely related and have a more or less same structure. Studies have confirmed that the pauses of subjects are shorter within chunks than across different chunks (Lightbown & Spada, 2006). For instance, timing information shows that …show more content…

A number of sources have supported the relevance of the chunking theory in mastering language. For instance, Gupta and MacWhinney (2001) discuss chunking helps understand the development of fluency in the context of second language acquisition. Green (2012) further suggested that the chunking theory is also applicable to learning phonological shapes of worlds in first and second language acquisitions. Chunks are results of neuromotor routines. Learners nurture them through practice, and then process them as single units. Chunking happens unconsciously and naturally, and is suitable for accounting L2 learning. It is worth noting that second language learners differ from first language learners in the sense that first language speakers have often developed components of chunks, which one has automatized and for using in recoding new chunks. The contributions of the frequencies of repetitions to chunking productivity are orchestrated by the fact that, when once experiences constructions of various items occupying certain positions, that enables parsing the related construction (Green,

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