Favorite Book: Niccolo Machiavelli's The Prince

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Favorite Book: Niccolo Machiavelli’s The Prince Niccolo Machiavelli’s, “The Prince” is all about having the right character, political mind, and taking the right cause of action in order to be what Machiavelli describes as a strong Prince. In chapters 5-10, Machiavelli gives the reader a perfect image of the stone-hearted reputation that he has been renowned for throughout his years as a political writer. He states his own beliefs on annexing a democratically free state, commonwealth, or republic and how to appropriately reign over the peoples of said state, while at the same time commanding loyalty and respect of its citizens. Machiavelli explains in chapter 5 that the best way to take over and rule a free state is to ultimately destroy it …show more content…

If a prince does so, this loyalty will only be temporary or the subjects will learn to only be loyal to the prince’s money. It is necessary for a prince to wipe out his opponents and make sure it is done all at once. Even when a prince is not successful in ruling by his personal prowess during his own existence, he is establishing an excellent foundation for the rule of subsequent princes which is as significant if not more significant than the current prince’s success. Chapter 8 explains what degree of evil should be exemplified in order to ascend to power. Machiavelli delivers clear insight to the readers about the specific advantages and disadvantages of achieving power by ways of evil and in what cases to use this evil to your advantage. Machiavelli was a very manipulative man. If it is possible for a prince to do evil things such as these and destroy things at a moment’s notice, then the citizens will forget and once the memories are no longer able to be remembered , and soon after become appreciative of the prince. Chapter 9 shows us all the different kinds of people in a community. There are the higher class noble people and the lower class common people. When the leader who represents the nobles is chosen, he begins to be in a perpetual area of threat of rebellion by the other upper class nobles who begin to think that they are of the same social standing as the prince. When a leader for the common people is selected it tends to be a lot easier, since this leader already has the respect and appreciation of the people, and therefore their loyalty. Chapter 10 is brief and precise in stating the significance of a fortification system for a city. Machiavelli talks about the citizens uniting during warfare and gaining love for their

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