Feminism In Hedda Gabler

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We find feminism is now leading to monstrous male like characteristics in the females. Women now such as Hedda are not capable of being called women. The monstrous, evil green-eyed characteristics such as jealousy, treachery and domination over others and playing with others fate are such characteristics that let no longer a woman remain womanly. The angelic and doll like qualities of women are lost behind. The so called liberation leads to devastation and destruction. If everyone will let free to act according to his/her own personal desires and wishes, will and ideology, then there will be disintegration everywhere in the society. As J.S.Mill says in his essay, “On Liberty”:
Individual is free only as long as he does not harm other people. Individual should have freedom of expression and freedom of action but if this freedom adversely affects others, a person should be held accountable for that.
Hedda Gabler is a renowned feminist play. However the leading character Hedda is in no respect feminine. She lacks the angelic and sacrificing qualities of women. We find Hedda acting as the manipulator of fates. Hedda is General Gabler’s daughter, she has married Tesman. She is bound by social norms and traditions and cannot dare by marrying a depraved rake as Lovborg to risk a challenge from society. So she ends up in a loveless marriage with Tesman. A faithless conventional life leads her to poignant unproductiveness. She is cruel selfish and mean to Aunt Julia and Mrs. Elvsted

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