Feminism In Hedda Gabler

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Feminism is an anthology of movements and ideologies used to define, equal political, economic, and social rights for women. Feminists advocates the civil liberties and equalities of women and also promote corporal respectability and independent rights for women But I think feminism should be favoured only if it provides some sort of benefit. This so-called feminism is destroying many family lives. The family systems and relations are falling prey to feminism. Women are ruining their marital relations by wearing the chains of feminism, depriving their children of motherly love and by leaving their homes. This leads to increased divorce rates in Europe. Females are now becoming the torch bearers of Feminism at large. However, in the present reasearch, Hedda Gabler is deprived of the feminist traits that women commonly possess. Ibsen has failed to mould her into a true feminine character, and also Hedda is not capable of being called a woman, still we find her the victim of feminism.
The play is a feminist one but its leading character Hedda Gabler is in no respect feminine, rather she is a harsh, shrewd and masculine one. This play and topic that I have chosen has been selected in order to highlight the true meaning of a woman. In feminist perspective we find that neither Hedda is being beaten by her husband nor are her rights being snatched. She is living liberally rather. The so-called feminism and the boundless liberty is merely a source of destruction for many women

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