
Feminism In The 1920's

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According to Webster Dictionary, the word ‘feminism’ is defined as the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes. Many people, however, mistake that word for ‘misandry’, which is simply defined as the “hatred of males.” This might be because the word ‘feminism’ is rooted by the word ‘feminine’, which may give the impression of gender bias against men. This is not the case. The act of feminism is an act of equal rights. When I tell people that I am an open feminist, some assume that I automatically “hate men,” or believe that women are above men. This is plainly not true. I believe that, to the extent that we can be, men and women should be treated as equals.

Although there was much progress during the 1920’s towards women’s rights (specifically, the 19th Amendment, which granted women the right to vote in 1920), it slid backwards in the over the next two decades. There were approximately 1,000 discriminatory laws passed in the United States in the around that time period that prevented women from having the same rights as men. …show more content…

However, women’s rights have advanced greatly since then. Women have gone on to be quite successful in careers such as doctors, authoritative figures, and powerful feminist icons in the media. Although, even today, women still do not earn as much money as men, even if they may be doing the same job at the same level of

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