Emma By Jane Austen Essay

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Since the beginning of documentation in society, writers have been producing works that reflect the socio-political patterns of their time. In any case, it is a literary novelty to be graced with an authentic piece of history, created during the time of historic inception. Novelist Jane Austen’s late work, Emma, is no exception. Set in the fictional small town of Highbury, England, Austen covers all the bases of documenting the early decades of the 19th-century. Perhaps one could recognize for her work to the toon of feminist characterization, as Austen uses female heroines as the main character of Emma and notable others such as Pride and Prejudice and Mansfield Park. Equally riveting, Austen uses various literary elements to depict the social hierarchy that is unchangeable sans the blood of aristocracy in your veins. Additionally, Austen attempts to reinvent masculinity with characters like Mr. Knightley and Frank Churchill. In combination with all of the above, Emma’s progressive ideas stand the winds of change, making it a model for writers throughout the ages and encapsulating all of the trending socio-political tendencies of Austen 's lifetime.
Aristocratic by fate and bumptious by nature, Emma’s character is a challenge to the traditional values of the time. Her father, who was widowed when Emma was twelve, preaches against marriage, an unthought notion in the society of her upbringing. Still, this is no particular deterrent to Emma, as she basks in the freedom of

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