Figurative Language In Literature

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Some of the different genres of literature are poetry, prose, persuasive prose, drama, conversation and drama whether it is a book, an advertisement, a poem, a newspaper or a blog on the internet, this interest individuals with queries such as: “What genre is this text?”, “why is the writer or speaker communicating in this way?” and “How is this purpose being achieved?” Poetry is one of the earliest form of literature and is generally shorter than other genres however some poems are categorised as epic poetry, which is a long narrative. Poems is rich in figurative language, using devices such as simile, hyperbole, alliteration, rhyme and much more likewise prose that is not real, can use intricate figurative language. In prose, it is written …show more content…

Figurative language is a dissimilarity to literal language. Its prime resolution is to influence the readers to envision what an author means with an expression or statement. Numerous literary devices and elements are used in the type of figurative language. The use of several types of element adds to the strength, depth and excellence of figurative language through a literary effort. Metaphors, similes, hyperbole, symbolism, personification, allusion, imagery, irony and rhyme are all common in figurative language elements. Applying the right element in making a precise point in writing is essential to make figurative language work. Metaphors and similes are often used in similar ways. Rather than simply making a statement about a person, place or thing these tools allow to us to make a point by comparing one thing to another. In the metaphor “Jill is the rock family,’’ the character Jill is equated to a rock to emphasize her strength. The writer takes this approach as opposed to simply stating “Jill is stable and supportive influence in her family,” which is more literal but less practical. Some figurative language is used to expand further than the literal narrative in a text. Hyperbole is a grossly overstated or extremely clam. Symbolism is used to present a moral lesson or make a point. Personification is used to give human qualities to an object or animal. For example “the clouds cried with empathy toward her loss”; is a human-like way to describe rainfall. In creative works, some figurative language tools simply increase the creativity of writing. Imagery is one of the elements and the use of descriptive, expressive language to give the reader a mental image. “The sun beamed brightly down on the couple as they embraced” is an example. Irony is used to signify the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect. For example looking at her son’s messy room, Mum says “Wow, you could win an

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