In addition, the image is in black and white to capture the gloomy emotions felt on the day when 7,000 American lives were lost (Muller 42). Nevertheless, the image uses emotion to express America’s values and persuade us to believe in the country’s strength, pride, and
This portrayal reveals the shared humanity of the soldiers on both sides and how in war beauty and horror
In 2020 the most shocking, unforgettable, and traumatic event took place in Minneapolis. A man known as George Floyd was murdered by four former Minneapolis police officers. On May 25, 2020 it was a normal day in Minneapolis. George Floyd was a 46-year-old black man who was arrested after an employee at a convinete store called 911. The employee told the Minneapolis Police that George Floyd was trying to purchase cigarettes with a $20 bill that was contourfit.
In November of 1969, Butterfield watched as Nixon erupted over a series of press reports by journalist Seymour M. Hersh. The president was informed about the massacre of hundreds of Vietnamese civilians by American soldiers in My Lai. The attack was led by Army Lieutenant William L. Calley and it was the best documented Vietnam war crime. Butterfield needed to be informed about anything that was of interest to the president. Therefore, he gathered numerous documents about the case into his documents.
The dark background could symbolize how horrible this moment was for the people who were in this incident. Even the family member of the people Involved in the
They see the Ground stained with blood and the carcasses left behind, Some are even burnt that nothing is left but their skeleton and some cloth that is stained on their rib cage and their cranium. Nothing left as the soldiers look onto no man's land but the horrific sight of what battle their was there and what battle their will be for their
Later, the massacre is over. The stench of death fills the heavy August air. Suddenly, five men appear together walking out of the forest into the field. They are in such disbelief, the horrors they are witnessing, as they search the grounds now covered with lifeless bodies. In all war and fighting experience, they have never seen such carnage.
The heavily armed sniper who gunned down police officers in downtown Dallas, leaving five of them dead, specifically set out to kill as many white officers as he could, officials said Friday. He was a military veteran who had served in Afghanistan, and he kept an arsenal in his home that included bomb-making materials. The gunman turned a demonstration against fatal police shootings this week of black men in Minnesota and Louisiana from a peaceful march focused on violence committed by officers into a scene of chaos and bloodshed aimed against them.
Growing up in America we are taught to love and support our troops. Many people even feel that our troops, can do no wrong and they protect our liberates , but at what cost ? We as Americans judge terrorists like Osama Bin Laden for the 9/11 terrorist attacks, but we have sayings such as “All's fair in love and war “, which raises the question does the U.S. Military commit war crimes. A war crime “is an action carried out during the conduct of a war that violates accepted international rules of war’. The international rules of war are in the Geneva conventions, which are set into 4 conventions and two protocols.the geneva basically states’’whose purpose is to provide minimum protections, standards of humane treatment, and fundamental guarantees
This piece of art confirms the power and the emotional state of everyone that was captured during this horrifying day for Spain. Francisco Goya paints a Spanish worker with his hands up just moments before he was massacred on the hill they call Principe Pio hill. This Spanish man speaks out for all those Spaniards who were murdered. His arms straight out on each said of his head represents Jesus Christ’s crucifixion. He wears a white shirt that represents an angel trying to prove his innocence.
Also by looking at the body paint which is what the people who live in ancient times do. It really brought out the savagery and their
First, the black and white picture makes an appeal to emotion. The monochromatic colors help to evoke a nostalgic and sentimental feeling while also giving it a sense of timelessness. That probably explains why this photo still persists in people’s memories after so many passing years. Furthermore, the placement of the soldiers and flag in the middle create a central focal point for the viewers. The eyes are following the straight pole of the flag downward into the ground and from there the rubble surrounding the scene become much more noticeable while also indicating the devastation of the battle.
Gladwell article was agreeable and disagreeable. There is a lot of school shooting happening, but it 's not getting popular and everyone isn 't going to start shooting up their school. The article has some agreeable saying, but yet there are some that you have to think about and realized it 's all wrong. In the article they give examples on how the teens that do shoot up their schools or just schools in general have the same mindset, but that 's not true. They all have different reasons why they do it.
Goya attributed to the modern in many ways, but especially by challenging the rhetoric of the time period. During the 18th century, modernism became classified as art that did not just simply record a picture, but one that created its own detailed perception of the world. Goya’s work is an ideal example of the modern. Though he was selected as the “first painter to the king” for King Charles III and served for generations of royalty, Goya was still drawn to the downfalls of humanity and society of the time period.
The entire school shooting lasted for 45 minutes until the shooters commited suicide. The Columbine was one of the worst school shootings in U.S. history. The two shooters were students at Columbine High School. Columbine High School Shooting was a tragic event that could have been stopped even though the outcome of the shooting could have been much worse, the event that happened in the Columbine were horrific, and missed warning signs could have stopped the attack from ever happening.