Gratitude And Happiness Case Study

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Gratitude and Happiness There are many studies that bind happiness and gratitude. Wood and his colleagues in their work “Gratitude and Well-Being: A Review and Theoretical Integration” (2010) stated that gratitude is strongly related to well-being and this link may be unique and causal. In line with this, Rajan & Easvaradoss (2012) aimed to examine the impact of happiness-related interventions on happiness and gratitude among adolescents from 120 respondents. Their study revealed that happiness has a positive relationship with gratitude and females were happier and more grateful to males and age had no effect on the variables.The finding of Kong et al. (2015) is different as in the study of 427 Chinese undergraduates that males are more grateful than female counterpart of the study. In the study of Triantoro Safaria (2014) to explore the relationship between gratitude and forgiveness with happiness mong college students from a private university in Indonesia, he found out that gratitude has a significant relationship to happiness and the opposite for forgiveness. His conclusion added to the literature that gratitude ascertains well-being of adolescents. The result is the same in the study of Lin & Yeh (2014) on “How Gratitude Influences Well-being: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach”. The results contributed to the understanding of how gratitude influences university students’ well-being. The study of Sapmaz, et al. (2016) from 443 Turkish respondents on

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