
Grievances Of The Colonists From 1763 To 1776

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During the time period of 1763 to 1776 colonists had a list of grievances with the King George III. The King often created salutary neglect towards the colonists because of the French and Indian war he was battling in and this caused Britain to become more relaxed on the Navigation Acts. Once the French and Indian War which ended in 1763. The King would randomly make decisions for the colonists in their lives for example the King forced many of the colonists to pay taxes for an army to patrol them making sure they would follow the Navigation Acts and other acts in place. Which the colonist did not even want in their country because the army would enforce the king's rules. In addition, the king would give the colonists only virtual representation …show more content…

They used revenue stamps which was a mandatory purchase for all printed goods. This was also the first direct tax to the people to pay for the troops to make sure they followed the law of these acts. The colonists did not want the soldiers in their area in the first place this cause them to rise in anger towards the British rule. The colonists responded to this by beginning to protest in their colonies with the political slogan of “No taxation without representation”. Thus leading to the group named the “Sons of Liberty” which would use tactics of intimidation including tar and feathering to scare people of power and delay the collecting of taxes. Then resulting in the Stamp agent resigning from his office out of fear of being subject to that torture. Sons of Liberty was a militant protest grouped formed by Sam Adams and John …show more content…

He believed that the reason the colonists despised the sugar act was because it was a directly taxing their goods. Mr. Townshend thought it would be better to indirectly tax them through taxes on import products. The idea behind taxing the colonists was to pay for the colonial judges and governors therefore taking the chance of bribery from colonial assemblies. This also was to prove to the colonists that they could do whatever they wanted and could tax the colonists however they pleased. This was also to punish New York for disobeying the Quartering Act. This was forcing the colonists to house British soldiers. The colonists also disliked that they were all being punished for one state's mistake and saw this as unfair. In 1770 the townshend act was repealed all except tea. The colonists response to this furthering their rebellion was the Boston Tea party. The Duchess tea at the time was more expensive than Britain's tea and this still lead to the boycott of British tea because of the principle of not paying the tax for the soldiers

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