
Homer Plessy Vs. Fergusen: Supreme Court Case

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Plessy v Fergusen was yet another court case where “separate but equal” was not implementing equality. It showed that they still thought of Black men and women as being less and not deserving the same rights as the White men. Homer Plessy was a free man, that was mainly White and because of a percentage he had of being Black he was treated as a Black man. He tried to sit in the train car of the White men and much like Rosa Parks was asked to go to the back where the Black men belonged in a different car. This case resulted in the Supreme Court defending the decision of the East Louisiana Railroad stating that they weren't violating any law by the ruling they had. This court case showed that even if Plessy was a part White because he was a part …show more content…

State of Louisiana. His lawyers argued that the East Louisiana Railroad had denied his rights given to him under his 13th and 14th Amendment. The 13th Amendment abolished slavery in all states and the 14th Amendment declared that all persons born or naturalized in the United States are American citizens including African Americans. He fought that according to these Amendments Plessy should be treated as an American citizen, the same as a White man, regardless of his 1/8th of being African American. The name of the Judge in his court case was Ferguson. He decided that the railroad had the right to implement their own laws and that those laws would need to be followed. The court case ended in that Plessy was convicted and had to pay a fine of $25.00. After being trialed he attempted a writ of prohibition but the Supreme Court sustained the verdict Judge Fergusen had decided on. The Supreme Court decided that the East Louisiana Railroad had not broken any laws by dividing the cars for Black and White men. They said each Railroad station had a right to make its own rules to protect their passengers and for the best results for the company. They also said that the 13th and 14th Amendments were not being violated by the rules the East Louisiana Railroad had at that

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