
How Did Slavery Affect Minorities In The Late 1800's

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Women and minorities during the late 1800s to present, have faced several problems along their way. Both groups were oppressed and discriminated for either their legal status, gender or color. During these time periods the United States had a lot of changes happening, the country was industrializing, and improving. As it was enhancing the general population was changing too. Women and minorities were mistreated and segregated by the "higher" gathering of individuals, the white man.

At the beginning of the 1800s, women were viewed as housewives only, their whole pursue in life was to “get married, have children, and serve their husbands” (Women's Rights Before the Civil War). They were “second-class citizens, encourage not to pursue …show more content…

Slavery was a big impact on minorities, due to slaves being discriminated, beaten, and treated as worst as one could think. Slaves had the stereotype of being “objects,” they were not treated as human beings. They were treated as tools. They absolutely didn’t have any rights at all, before the 13th amendment (13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution: Abolition of Slavery). They didn’t own their freedom, didn’t get paid and couldn’t vote. They were extremely oppressed and “they were not treated equally”(The History of Racial Exclusion in the US Immigration Laws). They weren’t the only minorities who were discriminated during the late 1800s to today. There was also the minorities of the Chinese, Japanese, and Latin Americans. Each of the three the Chinese, Japanese, and Latin Americans all went to the United States to work to show signs of improvement in life. Chinese and Japanese worked on the transcontinental railroad in 1865. The Chinese "a race so different from our own that we do not permit those belonging to it to become citizens of the United States" and who generally are excluded from entering the country (The History of Racial Exclusion in the US Immigration Laws). This was the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882. Similar to the Chinese, the Japanese also had a bad treatment. The Supreme Court allowed U.S. citizens of Japanese ancestry, including some born and bred in this country, to be detained in internment camps. This happened during world war II. “This decision reveals the inherent difficulties in drawing fine legal distinctions between noncitizens and citizens who share a common ancestry. In attempting to defuse the Japanese threat to national security, the U.S. Government refused to distinguish between noncitizens who immigrated from Japan and citizens of Japanese ancestry. Lumped together as the monolithic "Japanese" enemy, all were interned. The U.S. Government

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