
How Did Susan Brownell Anthony Fight For Women's Suffrage

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Susan Brownell Anthony was a great American leader and feminist for women in the United States. She played a pivotal role in the fight for women’s suffrage. She led several women’s suffrage organizations. This led her to play a large role in the 19th Amendment. Susan Brownell Anthony was born on February 15, 1820. She was born in Adams, Massachusetts. Susan was raised in a Quaker household. This household held many activist traditions, whereas they believed in equal treatment and opportunity for everyone. She was the second oldest of eight children. Six of those children lived to be adults.
Her parents were Daniel Anthony, a cotton mill owner, and Lucy Read. Her father was an abolitionist. When Susan was six years old, she and her family …show more content…

Susan moved to Canajoharie in 1846 to become the head of the Canajoharie Academy female department. In 1951, Susan attended the Anti-Slavery Convention in Seneca Falls, New York. She met many important figures at this movement. People such as Amelia Bloomer, William Lloyd Garrison and George Thompson. She met Elizabeth Cady Stanton for the first time here, another soon to be life-long friend. These two inspired each other to fight for change and equality for women. In 1852, she attended her first women's rights convention, this is around the time when she was first interested in women’s suffrage. By 1853, she visited a Sons of Temperance state convention. She was refused to speak at that convention and was told that women were invited to listen and learn. Susan left the convention to speak at her own. Within this same year, Susan and Cady founded the Women’s State Temperance Society. This group petition for the limit on the sale of liquor. Their petition was mostly signed by women and children, causing the New York state legislature to reject. After that, Anthony decided to mainly focus on the suffrage movement, campaigning for women's rights, collecting signatures for petitions, …show more content…

This was nearly a month after her 86th birthday. She died of heart failure and pneumonia in her home in Rochester, New York. She died peacefully, unconscious at around 12:40 in the morning. Her illness of pneumonia was nearly cleared but her heart condition prevented her from getting any better. She believed she would get better though, hoping to live as long as her father did, who lived to be over 90 years old. She had told her sister to write to Anna Shaw, telling her to give every cent Susan owned to her cause. She said that, “I have given my life and all I am to it, and now I want my last act to be to give it all I have, to the last cent.” Reportedly by the Observer Reporter, Susan told her friend Anna Shaw, "To think I have had more than 60 years of hard struggle for a little liberty, and then to die without it seems so cruel." But her last public words were “failure is impossible”. It wasn’t till 14 years later did her words and reasons, in 1920, push the 19th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution to be ratified. This amendment was known as the Susan B. Anthony Amendment. This amendment allowed all adult women to vote in the United States. In 1936, the U.S. Post Office issued, on the 16th Anniversary of the 19th Amendment ratification, a stamp honoring Susan B Anthony. As second one was issued in April of 1958. In 1979, to honor her dedication and hard work, the U.S. Treasury Department

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