
How Did The Nile River Influence Medieval Africa

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Medieval Africa was a continent that has been heavily influenced. One major thing that has shaped Africa's growth is its geography. One major river that has influenced Africa is the Nile river. The large amounts of Gold and Salt found in Africa have also helped Africa grow in trade. Savannas also provide a place for agriculture and a good living space. These three factors helped Medieval Africa grow and advance with the rest of the world. They also helped Africa advance in trade and agriculture. Africa has many rivers and large bodies of water that run through it but one river that stands out is the Nile river. The Nile river is commonly known as the longest river in the world and travels throughout most of Africa. The Nile river provided medieval Africa with a great way to trade and travel …show more content…

Savannas are most commonly found in Africa. In Medieval Africa, savannas provided a living space and land for agriculture. In Medieval Africa, savannas provided great soil for growing food. This increased the economy along with the number of people a community could provide for. With more food and a stronger economy, towns and cities could grow larger and more powerful. Countries in Africa who had this great farming soil could also use their surplus of food for trading. One advantage that savannas have over regular farming land is that they can still grow plants even through dry spells. This is very important because a large part of Africa is a desert which receives very little rain and not many people live there. Savannas provided a year-round agriculture land for Africans. Savannas were also used to grow livestock. In Medieval Africa, it was very common for people to use animals as a way of transportation. This provided the people of Medieval Africa with a way of transportation if they were far from rivers. Overall Savannas provide a great place for living, raising animals, and

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