
Huck Finn Racism Analysis

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The black man on the back porch is afraid of the rattle snake because it is bad luck, or the innocent little slave is quick to believe everything one tells them at the drop of the hat. These are just some of the many racist stereotypes of the 1840s. A character named Jim is the star African American whom Twain bestoys the mission of being the stereotypical black man to prove a point. He along with his much more pallor companion Huck go on exciting adventures that unfold the events which expose the racist conduct of the time. In The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Twain saturates his novel with potent images of acute racism severe enough as to create a satirical mien that exposes the absurdity of prejudice. Twain takes these images, abundant with the xenophobic ideals from …show more content…

By using improper, and in articulate diction, Twain exposes the stereotype that slaves are not able to be fully competent. When Jim cannot fathom the fact that there are people who speak all sorts of different types of languages he says it in a hard to understand manner. Jim says, "Well, it 's a blame ridicklous way, en I doan ' want to hear no mo ' 'bout it. Dey ain ' no sense in it" (The Adventures Twain 39). In Jims attempt to speak it is very hard to understand. Throughout the book Jim is hard to understand, Twain creates this in articulate diction in order to show Jims incompetence, this is supposed to be humorous because it shows Jims lack of knowledge. Jim is not the only black person to speak this way. Throughout the novel Twain creates multiple other characters which are slaves who also speak with this incompetent diction. At the end of the novel when other slaves at Aunt Polly’s house speak they articulate with the same hard to understand manner. Aunt Polly’s salve says, “Yes, Mars Sid, A dog. Cur’us dog, too. Does you want to go en

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